We always have a choice. When I got the call back in March that our company was furloughing us, I was shell-shocked. The Pandemic just got personal. What does this mean? How long will this last? So many unknowns.
Some things we can’t change, but we always have a choice. We can choose how we let things affect us, and we can choose how to spend our time. If I knew back in March that I would be unemployed for 4 months then I would have done some things differently. I am not going to dwell on that. This post is about the positives that came from my unexpected free time.
I spent a lot of time learning and seeking out ways to improve myself. I studied Project Management and earned a certification in it. I watched countless videos and read articles on minimalism and simplifying one’s life. I attended many wonderful webinars from FJMC. I put more time than I usually have into my volunteer efforts.
Having unexpected free time gave me much opportunity for self-reflection. I am going to write a series of posts about this time of reflection. Maybe you will find them interesting, maybe not. They say writing is good for the soul. Don’t ask me who. I don’t remember. I’m sure somebody said it.